report ====== Creates a collection report in file specified by ``target``. Please be sure to specify this report as one of the latest collections, otherwise other collections have not been executed before this report gets generated. .. code-block:: python collections = { 'my_collection_report: { 'driver': 'report', 'target': 'reports/collections.rst' } } } .. hint:: The ``executed`` option in the report for the current report-collection is always ``False``, as this options gets changed **after** the report was successfully generated. The following template is used to build the report: .. literalinclude:: ../../sphinxcontrib/collections/drivers/report.rst.template .. if-collection:: report Example Report -------------- This is the report of the latest run for this documentation. .. include:: /_collections/doc_collection_report.rst Clean up behavior ----------------- During clean up the target folders, which contains the report, gets deleted.