
Creates one or multiple files based on a given Jinja template in source.

data must be a dictionary and its keys can be used as identifier in the template.

Example for single data element

template file

Path: templates/say_hello.rst.template

Hey Hooo!

It's {{name}} from {{city}}!

conf.py file

collections = [
    'jinja_test': {
        'driver': 'jinja',
        'source': 'templates/say_hello.rst.template',
        'target': 'my_jinja_test.rst',
        'data': {
            'name': 'Max',
            'city': 'Munich'
        'active': True,

The values inside {{..}} get replaced by the related value from the data dictionary.

If multiple_files is set to True, data must be a list and the driver gets executed for each element (dict) in this list.

To get also a new file for each element of the list, you can use Jinja syntax also in target and source.

Example for multiple data element

template file

Path: templates/say_hello.rst.template

Hey Hooo!

It's {{name}} from {{city}}!

conf.py file

collections = [
    'jinja_test': {
        'driver': 'jinja',
        'source': 'templates/say_hello.rst.template',
        'target': 'my_jinja_test_for_{{name|lower}}.rst',
        'data': [
                'name': 'Max',
                'city': 'Munich'
                'name': 'Sandra',
                'city': 'Barcelone'
        'active': True,

This example would create two files: my_jinja_test_for_max.rst and my_jinja_test_for_sandra.rst